It was interesting hearing everyone’s ideas and sharing in the brainstorming process. I think the most difficult part was trying to create prototypes. Considering that we were limited by a lack of certain materials, skill sets, and machinery, this made the design process a challenge. There were certain limitations we had to work within and couldn’t fully develop some potentially innovataive ideas.
I think the most interesting part about this project was watching the IDEO and Objectified videos. I found a great wealth of knowledge in the two and felt they greatly assisted in this project. It was very insightfu l to understand how designers in the real world work and what they go through daily to create objects. I can confidently say majoring in Illustration better suits my tastes. I can see, however, that there is a lot of overlap of ideas and practices. For example, mind mapping and world lists are important for almost any artistic career. They are a great way to create new ideas.
As an individual I think word lists, freewriting, and mind mapping are all very helpful techniques. At this moment in my artistic career I can’t say one works better for me than the other; I just haven’t experimented with them enough to know. Though I do enjoy freewriting the best, I think really has no limits and the structure is really set up by the individual, and doesn’t have to be limited to a web or vertical column.
As a group though I’m sure the mind mapping with sticky notes was the most effective way for developing our flyswatter idea. I think it was a very non-commital way of placing ideas on the paper, no matter what they stated. It led to a very fun, relaxed environment and was a good way of getting the ball rolling.
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